Getting Licensed
The licensing process is demanding but the payoff gives you a competitive edge in your career. We help you by providing study materials and classes to pass all of the six different exams: Practice Management, Project Management, Programming & Analysis, Project Planning & Design, Project Development & Documentation, and Construction Evaluation.

AIA Cleveland is pleased to offer ARE Study Guides to our members at no cost. If you would like to check out a study guide, complete the Reservation Form below, print it out and bring it with you when picking up the study guides. Please call AIA Cleveland at 216-626-5755 to see if the requested guide is available and to make an appointment to pick it up.
If materials are not returned by the return date you may be charged for the cost to replace them. If materials are significantly damaged while in your possession you will be charged for the cost to replace them, this is approximately $100 per book.
AIA Ohio has a program titled AIA Ohio Cares (Catalyst for Architectural Registration Exam Scholarship), that is geared toward helping ARE Candidates with grants to complete their ARE testing. This program is open to all Ohio residents who are eligible to take the ARE. The fund permits members and non-members alike to apply for funding. AIA Associate members may qualify for a grant of up to $200, while non-members are limited to $100 grants. Grants are limited to one per year and funds available for this program are limited so awards will be made on a first come, first serve basis.