About Us

AIA Cleveland uplifts our members and profession to engage and inspire our community through the power of architecture.
AIA Cleveland is served by it’s Executive Board. These individuals are AIA members who are elected to specific terms and who volunteer their time to further the profession of Architecture and Design.
Executive Committee —
President | Jonathan Lusin, AIA
President-Elect | Megan Pros, AIA
First Vice President | Carter Edman, AIA
Secretary | Gwendolyn Frank, AIA
Treasurer | Michael Christoff, AIA
Immediate Past President | W. Daniel Bickerstaff II, AIA
Executive Director (Ex Oficio) | Patty Lampert
AIA Cleveland Staff —
Executive Director (Ex Oficio) | Patty Lampert
Board of Directors —
AIA Ohio Director | Ted Ferringer, AIA
Dir. of Communications | TBA
Co-Dir. of Community Outreach | James Cowan, Assoc. AIA
Co-Dir. of Community Outreach | Christopher Dewey, AIA
Dir. of Development | Arne Goldman, AIA
Dir. of Membership | Jeffrey Myers, AIA
Dir. of Professional Development | Rose Costanzo, AIA
Co-Dir. of Programming | Scott Taylor, Assoc. AIA
Co-Dir. of Programming | Greg Soltis, Assoc. AIA
Co-Dir. of Young Architects/Assoc. Members | Emily Williams, AIA
Co-Dir. of Young Architects/Assoc. Members | Kiernan Weese, AIA
Co-Dir. of Women in Architecture | Claire Bank, AIA
Co-Dir. of Women in Architecture | Lisa Diaz-McPeek, Assoc. AIA
The AIA Cleveland Executive Board believes that sound principles of governance are a key element of our business, and as such the Board is deeply involved in providing continuing insight and clarity into our governance process. We have provided links to various documents that govern the conduct of our business.
2024 | W. Daniel Bickerstaff II, AIA
2023 | Michael Christoff
2022 | Robyn Wolf
2021 | David Craun
2020 | Jodi van der Wiel
2019 | Christopher Toddy
2018 | Allan Renzi
2017 | Adam Yaracs
2016 | Jack Bialosky Jr.
2015 | Aaron Hill
2014 | Dave Robar
2013 | Charles Belson
2012 | Kurt Weaver
2011 | Robert Maschke
2010 | Robert Maschke (V.P.)
2009 | Robert Bostwick
2008 | Donald Rerko
2007 | Beth Kalapos
2006 | John Waddell and Kevin Robinette
2005 | Randy Von Ryan
2004 | Kevin Robinette
2003 | John Waddell
2002 | Judson Kline
2001 | Dominic Carbone
2000 | Michael Benjamin
1999 | Philmore Hart
1998 | Robert Bennett
1997 | Richard Van Petten
1996 | Theodore Kurz
1995 | Dean Cox
1994 | Henry Reder
1993 | Robert Fiala
1992 | Robert Ahrens
1991 | James Gibans
1990 | Keith White
1989 | Todd Schmidt
1988 | Fred Holman
1987 | Thomas Tomsik
1986 | Ann Dunning
1985 | Richard Bauschard
1984 | David Holzheimer
1983 | William Gould
1982 | Robert Geary
1981 | Thomas Ovington
1980 | Nicholas Lesko
1979 | William Collins
1978 | William Koster
1977 | Charles Dickson
1976 | Norman Perttula
1975 | James Herman
1974 | Peter van Dijk
1973 | Robert Madison
1972 | Arlyn Neiswander
1971 | Richard Fleischman
1970 | Robert Gaede
1969 | Edward Crider
1968 | Howard Caine
1967 | Robert Little
1966 | Robert Little
1965 | Kenneth Barnes
1964 | Otto Speith
1963 | Edward Flynn
1962 | John Bonebrake
1961 | John Bonebrake
1960 | Robert Yoder
1959 | Franklin Outcalt
1958 | Franklin Outcalt
1957 | Leon Worley
1956 | Anthony Ciresi
1955 | Earl Mellenbrook
1954 | Ronald Spahn
1953 | Joseph Ceruti
1952 | Joseph Ceruti
1951 | Phelps Cunningham
1950 | Carl Guenther
1949 | Paul Ruth
1948 | Wallace Teare
1947 | John Carr
1946 | Franklin Scott
1945 | George Mayer
1944 | Byers Hayes
1943 | Byers Hayes
1942 | Frank Draz
1941 | Edward McMillan
1940 | Walter Smith
1939 | Edward Conrad
1938 | Travis Walsh Sr.
1937 | Joseph Weinberg
1936 | Alexander Robinson
1935 | Alexander Robinson
1934 | James Duthie
1933 | Charles Morris
1932 | Charles Morris
1931 | Charles Morris
1930 | Charles Morris
1929 | Charles Morris
1928 | Charles Morris
1927 | Charles Morris
1926 | Charles Morris
1925 | Philip Small
1924 | Abram Garfield
1923 | Albert Skeel
1922 | Benjamin Hubbell Sr.
1921 | F. Walker
1920 | Abram Garfield
1919 | James Thomas
1918 | Charles Schneider
1917 | Gustave Bohm
1916 | Gustave Bohm
1915 | Gustave Bohm
1914 | Herbert Briggs
1913 | Albert Skeel
1912 | Albert Skeel
1911 | Albert Skeel
1910 | Albert Skeel
1909 | Albert Skeel
1908 | Albert Skeel
1907 | Albert Skeel
1906 | Charles Tousey
1905 | Frank Barnum
1904 | William Watterson
1903 | William Watterson
1902 | Dominik Benes
1901 | Dominik Benes
1900 | Benjamin Hubbell Sr.
1899 | John Richardson
1898 | John Richardson
1897 | John Richardson
1896 | William Sabin
1895 | Forrest Coburn
1894 | Forrest Coburn
1893 | George Smith
1892 | John Eisenman
1891 | John Richardson
1890 | Frank Barnum